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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Goodbye to Langerhans Cells Histiocytosis

     July 2014...  Ryce, daughter of Ma'am Jenalyn, was declared dying by her doctors. She  was undergoing  chemotheraphy sessions due to her Langerhans Cells Histiocytosis, a rare disease type of cancer worse than leukemia that can damage tissue or cause lesions to form in one or more places in the body, which was detected when she was still 2 years old. The doctors put her on different strong medications and 4 years chemotheraphy.

With Ryce Silvano and her mother

     Nothing helped, her mother lost hope and already surrendered her to God, until a Lifestyles Distributor gave her a bottle of Intra. She felt good after a day of drinking the product. Then she continued and became cancer-free after 49 days of massive intake of Lifestyles Intra & Nutria. To God be the glory.  

     For those outside the Philippines who are interested to purchase online or apply as distributor, visit

     Email:    Mobile No. +639158432474

     You may also like this page for other testimonials and updates: 

     I can deliver Lifestyles products within nearby areas or thru courier those within my country. Just PM or call/text 09158432474 Globe and look for me (Vicente Ferrer)...  Drink Intra, share it, pass it on.

Anumang edad, anumang uri ng sakit mula ulo hanggang talampakan, sa loob man o sa labas/balat ng katawan, gaano man...
Posted by Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife on Thursday, 4 February 2016

Friday, November 20, 2015

Hemorrhoids, Gone with Lifestyles!

     May 2012 when it started… I got nervous when I discharged bowel with a bloody stool...  I did not tell my family about it because I never wanted them to worry. I observed my condition for a few days but it never ceased. I feared that something might be wrong with my internal body organs. I became depressed, suffering silently. Then I finally told my wife and we decided that I undergo a medical checkup.  Nothing serious was discovered on my laboratory tests except for the bloody color of stool. A doctor prescribed me with synthetic medicines to abate my bleeding. But after 7 days, still nothing happened... I underwent ultrasound but nothing related to my bleeding was seen... Then going for a second opinion from another doctor, it was found out that I had a  hemorrhoids.  I was prescribed to take certain medicines but still nothing happened. I was then advised to undergo surgical operation but I refused for two reasons: I could not financially afford the process and I feared to undergo such procedure... I chose to bear my sickness and disciplined myself to avoid foods especially meat that may worsen my sickness. Bleeding continued almost daily everytime I had my regular bowel discharging.

     Then came last week of April 2015, I met Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife.  Attracted with the health and business opportunity offered, I immediately signed up embracing as well the mission to help other people live better everyday... I was amazed with the positive results. After exactly 2 weeks of massively taking the Lifestyles products, bleeding completely stopped and the piles or swollen veins that usually comes out from my anus accompanying bowel movements slowly disappeared.

     I am forever thankful to Lifestyles for relieving me from my hemorrhoids sickness  which had bothered and caused me so much emotional stress.

     For those undergoing the same kind and related problem or any sickness, I strongly recommend that you take Lifestyles. If it worked with me, I believe it will also work with you. What a phenomenal product Lifestyles is!...  Believe and see it happen... Drink Intra, share it, pass it on...

     Manufactured in Toronto Canada with the strictest standard in purity and quality control on natural food products, Lifestyles products may be bought individually or in BTK (Better Together Kit).
     1 BTK contains 2 Intra Juice, 1 Nutria & 1 Fibrelife.
     Lifestyles is a member of the US Direct Selling Association.

     On recommended usage for hemorrhoids and other diseases, you may PM me at the websites link found below.      

     Whether for personal/family use, massive intakes, or business opportunity, it is advisable to purchase in volume to get a big discount and benefits: 30% discount with 9 Free Intra Juice is given on 22 BTK Instant Direct Package or 20% discount with 3 Free Intra Juice on 11BTK Express Direct Package plus benefits on both packages of being a Distributor with Free 1 Million Pesos worth accident insurance,  100K hospitalization reimbursement due accident,  & Material Tool Kit to start the Lifestyles business and 40% discount is given on all your next purchases. Note, however, that discount offer varies in different countries due value of corresponding currency.

      We deliver Lifestyles products personally within Metro Manila and nearby provinces or thru courier those within Philippines. Just PM at 
 or call/text 09158432474 Globe and look for me (Vicente Ferrer)...   
     For those online transactions, just buy online at (be sure to always scroll down to your COUNTRY and encode Sponsor ID No. 980002145334 Vicente Ferrer if prompted. Skip or exit "Send Me an Email" box whenever it pops out)...

     This enlightening video testimony of a professional doctor (as recorded by Rex Dauz) is worth watching @