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Monday, May 2, 2016

Intra, Nutria, and Fibrelife Ingredients

Intra is a natural botanical supplement that provides your body with all the goodness your ancestors enjoyed from your diets. Think of it as a Mother Nature's best ingredients helping to correct the imbalances caused by today's hectic lifestyle.
For more than 3000 years, civilizations in every corner of the world have documented the powerful effects that herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves, and flowers (the botanicals) have on human well-being. Intra combines this ancient knowledge with advanced science to create a nutritional supplement geared to today's lifestyles.
Botanicals contain many nutrients not often found in any other foods we eat today. While our ancestors consumed botanicals as part of their regular diet, we rarely find ourselves, say, chewing on a piece of bark, or eating a flower petal, except for the occasional "show" ingredient in some salads.
Still, the phytonutrients and antioxidants found in botanicals are unique and of great value to our health, especially in an era where stress, inactivity, pollution, and other imbalances are so much part of a person's modern life.
Intra is a pleasant  tasting,  proprietary formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts that provide the body with antioxidants, flavonoids, lignins, polysaccharides and other health enhancing nutrients specific to each herbal extract. The key to Intra's effectiveness is the synergy of the blended botanicals working together - providing greater benefits tahn an individual botanical on its own.
Intra's unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992. It took many years of testing a number of formulas  to perfect the combination of botanicals found in Intra. As a natural food supplement, Intra's precise formulaof 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier, and more energized! Intra is certified Safe for Athletic Use by the International Olympic Committee because it does not contain steroids or stimulants. It is suitable and safe for all ages, including babies and pregnant women.

All natural botanicals from around the world
Native to the Near East, now found worldwide, Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals, flavinoids, amino acids and protein.  Human consumption of older plant parts is limited primarily by very high fibre content. Dehydrated alfalfa leaf is commercially available as a dietary supplement.
Aloe vera gelAloe vera gel
Commonly used in health food and cosmetic industries, Aloe vera gel has a long history of use for those seeking a healing remedy for minor burns, abrasions and other skin irritations. Taken internally, Aloe has been used for treatments ranging from cough to constipation.
Astragalus rootAstragalus root
In western herbal medicine, Astragalus root is considered a tonic for enhancing metabolism and digestion and is consumed as a tea made from the roots of the plant. Traditionally used to strengthen the immune system and heal wounds and injuries.
Bee pollenBee pollen
A popular nutritional supplement thought to build the immune system and provide energy for the entire body. Bee pollen contains protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It is high in B-complex and vitamins A, C, D, and E. It also contains lecithin, beta-carotene and selenium. This combination makes bee pollen an excellent source of antioxidants.
Rich in vitamins, traditionally used to stimulate metabolism; commonly used to help improve action of other botanicals in formulations.
Cascara barkCascara bark
Known as “sacred bark” by Spanish explorers. Native to the Pacific coast of North America; harvested by early American natives who felt it had strengthening properties.
Celery seedCelery seed
Native to Southern Europe believed to diffuse through the system a calming influence.
Chicory rootChicory root
Native to Europe and Asia, Chicory’s roasted root has been used as a coffee substitute while the bruised leaves have been used as a poultice for relief of swelling and inflammation. In the 1970s it was found that the root contains up to 20% inulins. Since then, new strains have been created, giving root chicory an inulin content comparable to that of sugar beet.
Chinese pearl barleyChinese pearl barley
Found in tropical regions worldwide, Chinese pearl barley has a use history that spans 2000 years. Possesses qualities similar to oriental ginseng. Believed to promote urination, strengthen spleen, and eliminate pus, and alleviate rheumatic pain.
Chinese rose hipsChinese rose hips
Native to China and Japan, these highly valued rose hips are rich with bioflavinoids, plant acids and nutrients. Rose hips are sometimes eaten, mainly for their vitamin C content. They are usually pressed and filtered to make rose-hip syrup.
Dandelion rootDandelion root
Known for its strong roots, Dandelion root is believed to stimulate digestive functions. Considered by many as an excellent cleansing tonic for the liver.
Fenugreek seedFenugreek seed
Mainly found in the Middle East and Mediterranean region, Fenugreek seed is one of the truly ancient traditional plants with records of use dating back to ancient Egypt. Modern research has shown fenugreek seeds to lower serum cholesterol, triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein in human patients and experimental models of hypercholesterolemia.
German chamomileGerman chamomile
Native to Europe, German chamomile is known for its mild properties. This botanical has been used medicinally for sore stomachs, irritable bowels and as a gentle sleep aid. It can be taken as an herbal tea. It is also used as a mouthwash against oral mucositis.
Ginger rootGinger root
Native to Southern Asia and cultivated in tropics worldwide. Modern research has shown that Ginger root contains many antioxidants, and has been found to be an effective treatment for nausea caused by motion sickness.
Juniper berriesJuniper berries
Native to Eastern Europe, some specimens of Juniper are more than 1000 years old. The resinous aromatic berry-cones were highly valued by early Europeans who believed in Juniper’s “lifepower.” Oil of Juniper is given as a diuretic and is used as an aid for indigestion, flatulence, and diseases of the kidney and bladder.
Licorice rootLicorice root
Since ancient times, powdered Licorice root has been used as an effective expectorant and in tooth powders. Modern cough syrups often include licorice extract as an ingredient. Additionally, licorice has been used in treatment of peptic and oral ulcers. Licorice is also a mild laxative.
Passion flowerPassion flower
Native to southern U.S. it was highly valued in traditional preparations by Cherokee Indians. Recent studies have pointed to the flavonoids in Passion flower as the primary components responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects.
Native to North America, Pipsissewa has been extensively used by native North American Indians for traditional medications.
Reishi mushroomReishi mushroom
Used as a tonic, the Reishi mushroom is believed to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, control coughing and stimulate the immune system. Thought to improve heart and liver function and have anti-allergy, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. No wonder it has been called the elixir of life, reserved for Chinese emperors.
Native to tropical America and the West Indies. Long famed as a folk remedy and currently used in many food products.
Schisandra berrySchisandra berry
Native to Asian countries, Schisandra berry is also known as the “five taste” fruit because it has an usually sour, sweet, bitter, warm, and salty taste, hence the name “five taste.” Contemporary research has focused on its strong antioxidant characteristics and its potential liver-protective benefits.
Siberian ginseng rootSiberian ginseng root
One of the most documented botanicals, Siberian ginseng is recognized more for maintaining good health than treating ill health or illness. Research shows it stimulates resistance to stress and is now widely used as a tonic.
Native to the Mediterranean region, now cultivated worldwide for its unique properties. Believed to have antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic and digestive properties.

Nutria is a powerful antioxidant formula that helps protect your body from the toxins of modern life. It's a breakthrough antioxidant supplement with key vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to support your immune system.
Each capsule of Nutria contains phytonutrients from 20 different sources of fruits and vegetables, such as:
  • Organically bound Selenium, which has been shown to fight cancer.
  • Green tea, grape seed, and blueberry extracts, which have been studied for their powerful cell-protecting properties.
  • Lycopene and sulforaphane - two important phytonutrients clinically tested for their ability to maintain healthy cells.   
Everyday, the million cells that make up our bodies are exposed to dangerous airborne chemicals, toxic elements in food and water, and the damaging effects of stress. This massive assault can produce high levels of free-radicals (the cell-damaging by-products of body pollution). Nutria is specifically formulated with antioxidants that help neutralize free-radicals and maintain healthy body cells. This powerful nutritional supplement contains vitamins and minerals as well as phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are a powerful family of antioxidants to protect and even help repair damage to your body caused by man-made pollutants and aging.
If you are looking to maintain your heart health, slow down the effects of aging, and protect yourself from diseases linked to low intake of antioxidants, then start taking Nutria today.

What's inside Nutria:

Blueberry Powder -
High in antioxidants, blueberries help protect against reduction in brain function due to aging, as well as help reduce risk of many chronic degenerative diseases. They also function like cranberries and benefit the urinary tract health.

Prune.   Prunes are one of the highest antioxidants known to mankind! They have the highest ORAC measurement, the standard for measuring antioxidant values. Prunes also assist in bowel regularity.

Grapefruit Extract.
Grapefruit plays an important role in weight-loss and overall well-being, as grapefruit reduces insulin levels, which regulates fat metabolism. Grapefruit may have the ability to control appetite.

Garlic Powder.
The active compound in garlic is called alliin. This nutrient is useful in supporting the immune system and has also been shown to reduce cholesterol.

Cabbage Powder.   A source of the phytonutrient called anthocyanins, cabbage supports healthy eye function. In addition, cabbage has been shown to reduce the pain associated with ulcers.

Carrot Powder.   Very high in natural beta carotene, carrots support healthy eye function as well as acting as a powerful natural antioxidant.

Rose Hips.   One of nature’s highest sources of vitamin C, rose hip supports healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels and capillaries. Useful for helping fight colds and infection.

Grape Seed.   ExtractHigh in catechins, grape skin has been shown to enhance immune function, reduce the risk of certain cancers and maintain heart health by protecting the arteries from cholesterol build up.

Spinach Powder.
High in naturally occurring iron, spinach helps maintain healthy blood iron levels,
thereby ensuring normal energy levels.

Green Tea Extract.   Containing a high level of a type of antioxidant poly phenols known as catechins, green tea helps keep the cells of the body healthy. With proper diet, it is known to help prevent certain diseases and cancers. Green tea also assists weight loss by helping the body burn fat quicker.

Strawberry Powder.   Strawberries contain a range of nutrients, vitamin C heading the group. They also contain significant levels of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight free radicals. Studies suggest that it can also help protect against age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cauliflower Powder.   Cauliflower is in the same family as broccoli and cabbage and shares the same cancer fighting abilities as broccoli. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane and isothiocyanate, the two phytonutrients responsible for its cell protecting abilities.

Beet Powder.   Beets contain a component called betaine. There is evidence to suggest that beets can assist in maintaining a healthy liver by removing fat deposits.

Tomato Powder.   The main phytonutrient found in tomatoes, lycopene is a known cancer fighter, helps battle macular degeneration and helps with healthy heart.

Parsley.   This common cooking herb is used for its ability to enhance digestion. Parsley also contains quercetin, a phytonutrient that help with peptic ulcers.

Broccoli Powder.   Very high in a phytonutrient called sulforaphane, broccoli can help support immune function, prevent certain types of cancer and detoxify the liver.

Cherry Powder.   High in anthocyanins, cherries help support healthy eyes and also contribute to the health of the cells of the body. Cherries are also strong in antioxidants.

Orange Peel Powder.    Very high in vitamin C and bioflavanoids, oranges help maintain healthy teeth, gums and connective tissue. Bioflavanoids also support strong capillary health.

Schisandra Berry.   Contemporary research has focused on Schisandra’s very strong anti-oxidant characteristics. Antioxidants help maintain healthy cells by destroying free radicals

Onion Powder.   Onion has been traditionally used to maintain cardiovascular health. This allium species and their constituents, act on blood coagulability and have positive effects on other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Apple Powder.   Apples contain a type of fibre called pectin. This fibre helps promote regularity. Apples also contain phloretin which has antibacterial activity. Apples are also high in quercetin, a powerful phytonutrient.

Mango Powder.   Mango is an excellent source of beta carotene, potassium and vitamin C. High in natural antioxidants, mangos also contain an enzyme that helps improve digestion and sooth the stomach.

Pineapple Powder.   Pineapple is very high in vitamin C and the mineral manganese. In addition, pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. This enzyme helps break down and digest protein in the diet.

Reishi Mushroom.   Referred to in Imperial China as “the Elixir of Life”; its use was reserved for the Emperor. Studies have shown that Reishi Mushroom enhances the immune system, thereby increasing the body’s resistance to disease.

Raspberry Powder.   Very high in natural antioxidants, raspberries also contain quercetins which help fight asthma and hay fever.

Molybdenum.   This trace mineral is needed for metabolism of DNA and RNA and is helpful in fighting asthma.

Chromium.   Chromium is essential for the normal metabolism of glucose (blood sugar). As a result, it is helpful in weight management, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypoglycemia.

Licorice Root.   Licorice root has been shown to enhance the immune system as well as it is a very strong antioxidant. Used for thousands of years by the Chinese, licorice root is now being studied for its heart health properties, due mostly to its strong antioxidant properties.

Zinc.   Essential part of more than 100 enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, reproduction and wound healing. Zinc supports the immune system and can help with the common cold/sore throat, wound healing, Crohn’s disease and Wilson’s disease.

Vitamin A.   Used for the maintenance of healthy skin, eyes, bones, hair and teeth. Vitamin A supports the immune system and has been shown to be helpful for cystic fibrosis, infection, night blindness, bronchitis, ulcers and wound healing.

Beta Carotene.   The body can turn beta carotene into vitamin A as required. Beta carotene is a strong antioxidant that protects the cells of the body from free radical damage. Beta carotene can protect the cells of the body from environmental damage.

Vitamin E.   As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cell membranes, lipoproteins, fats and vitamin A from destructive oxidation. Helps protect red blood cells from damage. Vitamin E can help epilepsy, immune function, atherosclerosis and athletic performance.

Folic Acid.   Necessary for proper red blood cell formation. Folic acid plays a role in the metabolism of fats, amino acids, DNA and RNA. Needed for proper cell division and protein synthesis. Proper folic acid levels are important for pregnancy and heart health.

Vitamin C.   Acts as an antioxidant and is important for maintenance of bones, teeth, collagen and blood vessels (capillaries). Enhances iron absorption and red blood cell formation. Vitamin C can help with glaucoma, common cold and sore throat, capillary damage and athletic performance and recovery.

Selenium.   Necessary for normal growth and development and for the use of iodine in thyroid function. Special yeast based forms may reduce risk of certain cancers. Selenium supports the immune system and can help asthma, atherosclerosis, infections, macular degeneration and rheumatoid arthritis.

Worlwide scientific and medical communities have called fibre the "miracle nutrient" because it helps address weight control issues and can reduce the risk of heart related complications. foods that are generally high in fibre are being consumed less due to the increased intake of over processed convenience foods. Getting enough fibre each day has been proven to help fight illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Lifestyles has developed a revolutionary and propriety soluble fibre blend that helps to supplement the body's deficiency of fibre. Fibrelife provides you with your daily source of fibre, while helping you regulate appetite and achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
Fibrelife is a scientific formulation that maximizes the natural goodness of fibre to:
  • Promote gastrointestinal heath
  • Lower the  number of calories your body absorbs from a meal
  • Lower your levels of C-reactive protein
  • Promote blood sugar regulation and digestive health
  • Help you fight body pollution and detoxify more effectively
  • Act as an inside sponge by binding cholesterol and toxins in your food before it's absorbed
  • Flush toxins out of your body.
Each capsule of Fibrelife contains 500mg of soluble fibre derived from concentrated, natural sources such as Konjac Glucomannan, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum with added Cinnamon Extract. When ingested with sufficient amount of water, Fibrelife forms a gel-like complex of natural fibres. This complex slows the digestion of food and creates a feeling of fullness.
Fibrelife is best for those who have health problems in Diabetes, Obesity, and Heart Disease/High Bloob/High Cholesterol/Hypertension... It is best paired with INTRA for synergistic effect and better/faster result...

Lifestyles products are manufactured in Toronto Canada under the world's stringent quality control, regulated by Health Canada and measured by GMP and HACCP standards (

Sir Ali's 19-years old daughter had EPILEPSY, HEART DISEASE, VERTIGO, MIGRAINE, ALLERGIC RHINITIS, and PALPITATION but all these were addressed in just one month with the help of Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife... 
For more updates and testimonials, visit facebook page @
Email me at:   Call/text me at  +639158432474...
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1 box BTK (Better Together kit containing 2 INTRA, 2 NUTRIA, & 1 FIBRELIFE)

Lifestyles Products Prices:
INTRA Liquid 950ml  =  1800pesos
NUTRIA  60 capsules  =  1500pesos
FIBRELIFE 60capsules  =  1500pesos
1 box BTK  =  6600pesos  
OR  to avail a discount and be an Independent Distributor,   2K Membership Fee + 5280pesos for 1 BTK (with 20% instant discount, applicable to all succeeding purchases)  =  7280pesos.
Lifestyles membership includes 1Million Insurance benefit (within Philippines only), Distributor Kit, ID Number, Independent Distributor status with a privilege to sell products...
Payments may be done thru any money remittances centers (like Western Union, Palawan Express, etc.) or thru BDO deposit...    For more inquiry, contact me (VICENTE FERRER) at 09158432474
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Note:  Product informations from Lifestyles Literature...

(DISCLAIMER:  No approved therapeutic claims. Product results and Income may vary)...