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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Hope for Cancers, et al.

     May 23, 2015… It was the day of 1st Mega-HOPE in our newly inaugurated home office. The DeBora Hall was so big but was jam-packed and overflowing with guests.
A flower blooming, symbolizing new hope and new life...

     As soon as the HOPE Seminar started, I became so fascinated what with the one who formulated the products himself, Mr. Paul Kramer, giving the presentation. The product testimonies enthralled me no end and the presentation of the ladder of success on the business aspect made a deep impact on me.  I was convinced that it was for real. Lifestyles will make one healthy and at the same time wealthy with the ultimate mission to help other people live better everyday.

     Ma'am Donna’s gratefulness to Lifestyles and her sharing of how she was touched by God through the products especially INTRA was a blockbuster testimony. The audience was awed as she was in tears describing her agonizing experience of being a lymphoma stage 4 cancer patient. She was hopeless and dying until INTRA, NUTRIA, and FIBRELIFE came to her life. 
Ma'am Donna's transformation after only 3 weeks of using Lifestyles products
(from the photo file of Dito na tayo sa Lifestyle)
Ma'am  Donna delivering her awesome encounter with Lifestyles products (Intra, Nutria, & Fibrelife)
     Who would ever not believe such a documented real story unfolding before a big crowd with the cancer survivor herself delivering live in person?

     Indeed, Lifestyles natural food supplement products are great blessings of God instrumental for improving health conditions of even those afflicted with diseases that seem to be hopeless. Since it started 1989 in Toronto Canada, Lifestyles has also enriched thousands of lives in more than 30 countries around the world.

     The all-natural Lifestyles products has done wonders in improving over-all health conditions of many people afflicted with sicknesses/diseases such as cancers, cysts, myoma, polyps, kidney stones, hemorrhoids, rhenal failure, chronic kidney disease, cirrhosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, impotency, goiter, dysmenorrhea, leptospirosis, asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, migraine, tonsilitis, vertigo, frozen shoulder, gouty arthritis. psoriasis, stroke, paralysis, palpitation, Parkinson’s disease, and many others that synthetic medicines can hardly cure. 

     For proper servings/intakes on cancer and other diseases, you may PM me at the websites link found below.

     Believe and experience it yourself.  Drink  INTRA, share it, pass it on…

     Just like me, Ms. Donna, and the rest who have experienced the products, your Lifestyles mission begins as you experience positive results in yourself afterwards. For sure relatives, friends, people in your neighborhood, community, or place of work will get curious when positive changes take place in you. Your love, care, and concern will be ignited within and you will realize it later that the products are really needed at hand to show and share with them. It is therefore advisable that you purchase as Distributor with an INSTANT DIRECT PACKAGE in order to avail the discount to its maximum.
     To apply or purchase online, visit
     Click on the JOIN NOW or SHOP button... then follow the rest of online instructions...

     Avail of big discount by purchasing as Distributor with INSTANT DIRECT or EXPRESS PACKAGE.

You may also like this page for other testimonials and updates:

I can deliver Lifestyles products within nearby areas or thru courier those within my country Philippines. Just PM me or call/text +639158432474 Globe  /  09322468833 Sun...

1 comment:

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  1. sa may hodgkin lymphoma pano at ilam ang kailangan niya inumim
