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Friday, June 24, 2016


     Psoriasis and the like is an unpredictable and irritating disease. It is a baffling and persistent of skin disorders. The symptoms vary depending on its type. There is also one that leads to psoriatic arthritis with pain and swelling in the joints.

     The disease come and goes in cycles of remissions and flare-ups over a lifetime, which means no cure (Source: WebMD).

     Medications have only brought frustrations to some because the disease keeps coming back. It provides relief, curing the symptoms but not the root cause. For this reason, many afflicted persons resorted to food supplements which oftentimes effective in permanently getting rid of the disease. One of the worldwide phenomenal products and proven is the 100 % organic Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife  (especially the Intra Liquid)   food supplement which supports, balances, and strengthens our body's 8 biological systems so as to help the body heal itself from all kinds of diseases from head to toe (inside the body and on the skin), including #Psoriasis, #SkinAsthma, #Eczema, and other related skin diseases.

                                                   Photo testimony credit to the owner, a fellow Lifestyler
     Lifestyles Intra is a blend of 23 naturally-sourced botanicals (extracts from roots, tree bark, leaves, berries, and blooming flowers of plants). It is a unique and pleasant tasting drink which varies according to the time of botanical harvest.
Photo testimony credit to the owner, a fellow Lifestyler

Photo testimony credit to the owner, a fellow Lifestyler

    Intra is safe for all ages,including babies and pregnant women. It passed the test of time for safety and efficacy. It is certified safe for athletic use by the International Olympic Commitee - contains no steroids and stimulants. It has no chemicals, no artificial flavors, no pesticides & herbicides, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colors, no trans fats, no heavy metals (lead), no caffeine, etc.

Photo testimony credit to the owner, a fellow Lifestyler

  Lifestyles products are manufactured in Toronto Canada under the world's most stringent quality controls, regulated by Health Canada and measured by GMP and HACCP standards...( It is FDA / BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified.


     For instructions and recommendations on the product usage for psoriasis and all kinds of skin diseases, you may visit Facebook page and send inquiries/messages at . More product testimonies on other diseases and updates there on the fan page.

   For orders and delivery, just PM or call/text 09158432474. Products will be delivered personally if within Metro Manila and nearby provinces, thru courier 2Go or LBC for distant locations within Philippines. Free shipping cost to non-members. Lifestyles product is direct selling, not sold over the counter... It is very important that the psoriasis patient who decides to take the product be guided properly... It is highly recommended therefore for local buyers to order directly from this page to avoid inconveniences.

     For those residing outside the Philippines, buy online at   (Always scroll down to your COUNTRY in the Market/Language button each time prompted. Click JOIN NOW & SAVE button if you want to avail discount. You may join as Preferred Customer, meaning as a user only. Encode Sponsor ID No. 98000214334 if prompted. Skip or disregard "Send Me an Email box whenever it pops out. Follow the rest of online instructions. Products will be delivered right into your door. Message me at the Facebook fanpage for further assistance, especially on the dosage/servings)....

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