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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Heart Disease is Expensive and Deadly

Be careful with your heart... This is a common expression of advise whenever we see or hear someone about to flare up in anger. It may sound like a joke but there is truth in it: Heart Disease is no. 1 in the list of deadly diseases.

The medical cure of a heart disease is very expensive and takes a lot of processes for proper diagnosis:  ECG (electrocardiogram), Chest X-Ray, Stress Test, Tilt Table Test, 2d/3d Echo test (echocardiogram), Cardiac Catheterization (angiogram), EP Test, CT Heart Scan, Myocardial Biopsy, Heart MRI, Pericardiocentesis, etc. The procedure and the expenses involved may even cause more stress to the patient; thus, aggravating the condition. Just the medical/laboratory procedures without the medicines yet may already cost not less than 100K...


Good thing there's a phenomenal alternative healthy solution satisfying millions of customers worldwide with the 100% organic food supplement Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife. There's no approved therapeutic claim since it is not a medicine but a natural food which help the body cure itself. Many heart disease patients have tried and proven it to be very effective. If it worked well with them, then it's worth a try. The INTRA Liquid/Juice is the most popular among the Lifestyles products. Its precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving one feeling healthier, happier, and more energized! Intra is certified Safe for Athletic Use by the International Olympic Committee because it does not contain steroids or stimulants. It is suitable and safe for all ages even to babies and pregnant women. No chemicals, no pesticides, no food coloring, no artificial flavor, no preservatives, no banned substances, etc. Since it is a natural food product and not a medicine, there’s no overdose in taking INTRA… It is best paired with Nutria and Fibrelife for synergistic effect... The healthy solution is finally here. Try it... Drink Intra, share it, pass it on...


Lifestyles products are manufactured in Toronto Canada with strict GMP and HACCP standard (  FDA & BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified...


To purchase online, just scroll down to your country @ and click JOIN NOW button above to avail discount. Encode Sponsor ID No. 98000229315 (Dennisse Abigail Ferrer) if prompted.  Exit the "Send Me an Email" box when it pops out and proceed to SHOP. Products will be delivered right into your door. For more testimonials and servings/dosage instructions, send message @

For Philippines orders and delivery, just PM or call/text +639158432474. We deliver personally within Metro Manila and nearby provinces to explain the products and its proper servings/dosage. Thru courier like 2Go and LBC for distant locations. Free shipping cost to non-members.

Our life is priceless. Health is wealth. Prevention is better than cure...

1 comment:

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  1. Regular prices:
    Intra 950 ml = Php1800
    Nutria 60capsules = Php1500
    Fibrelife 60capsules = Php1500
    1 box BTK (containing 2 Intra, 1 Nutria, 1 Fibrelife) = Php6600

    Sign up for 2K membership to instantly avail 20% discount in all products purchases...
    @ 20% discount:
    Intra 1440pesos, Nutria 1200pesos, Fibrelife 1200pesos
    1 box BTK = 5280pesos
    Example: 1 box BTK total payment = 2K + 5280 = 7280pesos

    We deliver personally within Metro Manila and nearby provinces to explain the products and how to use them, thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations... Free shipping fee to non-members... For members, add-on for a share in the shipping fee will be required... Just give us your full name, exact address and mobile number... you may call/text us 09158432474 (Vicente Ferrer) or +639955084879 (Daisy Ferrer) for orders and delivery...
