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Thursday, March 1, 2018


Sir Michael became so sad when he was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 (End Stage). He had his first dialysis session on February 10, 2018. He felt hopeless until he heard about the INTRA Liquid Juice and found my social media posts @  through his personal research/browsing on the internet. He immediately called me up +639158432474 (Vicente Ferrer) for delivery and explanation of said food supplement juice.  He started to take INTRA on proper servings plus the right foods to eat per my instruction on February 14, 2018 and in less than 2 weeks, his creatinine amazingly went down from 1160.8 to 438.65 then to 363.6... After 2 months taking INTRA simultaneously with dialysis treatment, his creatinine became 238.68; and so his doctor ordered him to stop undergoing.dialysis...
To God be all glory forevermore!.


Creatinine  @  238.68  per 04/18/2018 Clinical Chemistry Result

FLASH UPDATE!!!  Watch the video testimony of Sir Michael here (done Jan. 20, 2019) @

(NOTE: The nephro doctor doesn't know until now that Sir Michael took INTRA because right from the start he was discouraged/prohibited to take any food supplements particularly INTRA) 

INTRA is God's great gift (especially to hopeless sick people); strengthening our Immune System and the rest of our body systems from head to toe, thus helping us combat any kind of diseases (e.g., kidney diseases) as we are now living in an unhealthy world.
Note that Lifestyles have 3 main products (INTRA, NUTRIA Plus, and FIBRELIFE), but only INTRA Liquid is advisable for dialysis patients because the Nutria Plus & Fibrelife are capsules which require drinking water simultaneously upon intake of these capsule products. FIBRELIFE, for example, should be taken with a minimum of one glass of water. We know for a fact that dialysis patients have limited water intakes. NUTRIA Plus, however, may be taken only depending on the dialysis patient's current condition which a Direct Distributor needs to evaluate and monitor for proper serving instructions . NUTRIA Plus has been scientifically proven and tested to help improve tissue repair and regeneration.  Also, INTRA IS NOT ADVISABLE ANYMORE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE UNDERGONE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT BECAUSE THE JUICE WILL BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, only after ten years or the transplanted kidney has failed...

According to the medical world, dialysis is lifetime and CKD especially Stage 5 is irreversible and  has no cure!... The sad fact is: Dialysis doesn't actually treat kidney diseases, but only a way to control and remove toxins. And during the process, only the small size toxins are removed. That is why many CKD patients who have taken dialysis for a long time become more and more serious because their kidney problem is not being addressed at all.

Anyone, undergoing dialysis treatment?... Try INTRA  Liquid Juice. It is not a medicine but a 100% organic food supplement that supports the body with the required nutrition and strengthen the cells to help the body heal itself. So many dialysis patients have already become dialysis-free with the help of the amazing natural Lifestyles INTRA. It truly worked effectively for many dialysis patients who have tried it but should be accompanied with patience and a strong determination to get well plus discipline on refraining from foods and drinks that should be avoided. Product results vary on individuals. Mostly, the initial reaction is: a better urine outflow, good sleep, becoming stronger and more energetic, calmness, improved skin tone, etc. It takes deep commitment/willingness on the part of the dialysis patient to achieve the goal of becoming free from the bondage of dialysis treatment. How fast will the recovery and healing be with the help of INTRA depends on the metabolic reaction of the body systems particularly with the detoxification process. It doesn't cost much to try the phenomenal and proven INTRA Liquid/Juice now. Admittedly, most doctors do not believe in herbal/food supplements and they will surely discourage one from taking such. But I believe a patient has the right to find the best alternative/healthy solution to get rid of dialysis treatment. Besides, INTRA  food supplement product has been certified safe, suitable for all ages, and already enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide.                                          
Watch a former CKD Stage 5 dialysis patient Kuya Jimmy's own testimony here... 

Lifestyles INTRA is a blend of 23 naturally-sourced botanicals (extracts from roots, tree bark, leaves berries, and blooming flowers of plants). It is a unique and pleasant tasting drink which varies according to the time of botanical harvest. It supports, balances, and strengthens the body's 8 biological systems so as to help the body heal itself from all kinds of diseases, including kidney diseases.

INTRA is safe for all ages, including babies and pregnant women. It passed the test of time for safety and efficacy. It is certified safe for athletic use by the International Olympic Committee - contains no steroids and stimulants. It has no chemicals, no artificial flavors, no pesticides and herbicides, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colors, no trans fats, no heavy metals (lead), no caffeine, etc.

INTRA is manufactured in Toronto Canada under GMP and HACCP Standards, with the strictest standard in purity and quality control on natural food products. It is FDA / BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified.

For instructions on the usage/dosage, kindly LIKE the page and send your messages at .  Call/text  09158432474  (+639158432474) Vicente Ferrer or 09955084879 Daisy Ferrer for more inquiry, orders and delivery nationwide. I deliver personally or thru Lalamove/Grab within Metro Manila and nearby provinces, thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations nationwide. Free shipping fee... INTRA is direct selling, not sold over the counter... Be sure it is authentic genuine and fresh stock with FDA code and Expiration Date. It is very important that the dialysis patient who decides to take the product be monitored and guided properly by a legitimate Direct Distributor.. It is highly recommended therefore for local buyers to order directly from this page to avoid inconveniences. All the DOs and DON'Ts particularly on the foods will be enclosed upon placing orders...
To purchase online, click the SHOP NOW button @    OR  @  (Be sure to always scroll down to your Country if prompted. I strongly suggest that you click the JOIN NOW button to avail instant discount in all purchases. Follow online instructions. Fill up the online Application Form. Fill in Sponsor ID No. 98000214334 if prompted and click Verify Sponsor to make sure it's me Vicente Ferrer  so I can guide you on proper serving instructions and the right foods to eat. Click Process or Submit and follow the rest of the online instructions. Buy the INTRA Liquid Juice  only. You may choose to buy the INTRA Trio Liquid or, if budget permits, go for the 9 bottles pack to ensure enough supply at hand for follow up. Product will be delivered right into your door. Number of days delivery depends on your location. Kindly send me message if you need further assistance.)... 

Drink INTRA. Share it. Pass it on!...

LATEST UPDATE on Sir Michael  2 years after becoming dialysis-free with the help of INTRA Liquid Juice food supplement:
(Please click the links below)

 Disclaimer:   No approved therapeutic claim. Product Results/Effects and Income may vary.


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  1. Regular prices:
    Intra 950 ml = Php1800
    Nutria 60capsules = Php1500
    Fibrelife 60capsules = Php1500
    1 box BTK (containing 2 Intra, 1 Nutria, 1 Fibrelife) = Php6600

    Sign up for 2K membership (with 1 Million accident insurance benefit) to instantly avail 20% discount in all products purchases...
    @ 20% discount:
    Intra 1440pesos, Nutria 1200pesos, Fibrelife 1200pesos
    1 box BTK = 5280pesos
    Example: 1 box BTK total payment = 2K + 5280 = 7280pesos

    We deliver personally within Metro Manila and nearby provinces to explain the products and how to use them, thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations... Free shipping fee to non-members... For members, add-on for a share in the shipping fee will be required... Just give us your full name, exact address and mobile number... you may call/text us 09158432474 (Vicente Ferrer) or +639955084879 (Daisy Ferrer) for orders and delivery...
    NOTE: INTRA is direct selling, no over the counters... Refrain buying from illegal distributors who may not sell the authentic INTRA Liquid Juice and who cannot explain the proper servings especially for dialysis patients.

  2. Sir Michael is now dialysis-free, as per his nephron doctor's advise last Wednesday April 04, 2018... Notice that it took him just less than 2 months taking Intra Liquid Juice since February 14, 2018... It's truly amazing!...
    NOTE: Product results/effects may vary on individual depending on the metabolic reaction of the entire 8 body systems... Dialysis patient must be guided properly on the servings plus the right food to eat... Feel free to contact me @ +639158432474 (Vicente or Vic Ferrer)with Email

  3. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard

    1. Thank you very much for your appreciation, Sir Robert.

  4. The information you share is very useful. It is closely related to my work and has helped me grow. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome. I am glad that I have helped you.

  5. is it 100% guarantee with CKD stage 5?

    1. It worked well with so many CKD Stage 5 dialysis clients I have handled, why don't you try it yourself? Product effects/results varies.
      You may browse on more testimonials @
      You may call/text me 09158432474

  6. The federal government pays 80 percent of all kidney dialysis costs for most patients. Acute Dialysis

  7. It is true that can cure CKD stage 5? My father is dialysis patient I want to help and try DS intra

    1. Hello, good day... You may contact me +639158432474 WhatsApp...
      You may also email me
      INTRA is 100% organic and natural food supplement which helps support balance and strengthen our entire 8 biological systems from head to toe. It is safe for all ages, can be taken even by babies and pregnant women.
      You may order online... Simply click the JOIN NOW button to avail the big discount @ Be sure to encode Sponsor ID No. 98000214334 and Click Verify Sponsor as Vicente Ferrer to make sure it's me so I can guide you on proper serving instructions and the right foods to eat.

  8. my wife started dialysis and feels horrible its not very successful. I have more faith in God given herbs and docs always scoff and condemn even looking at these...its so hard to find any positive results on internet I finally heard benefits after 10 years searching with you folk, please help us

    1. You may contact me +639158432474 WhatsApp...
      Kindly visit for updates and more testimonials. Thank you. I wish you and your entire family good health. God bless...
