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Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Movie with Depth: "Thy Womb"

Two days ago during the last day of school holiday vacation, my family decided to watch the movie "Thy Womb". But the movie house where we were supposed to watch was no longer exhibiting it.

This morning ,however, the movie screening schedule of SM Cinemas in North EDSA suddenly flashed into my FB newsfeed reminding the public of its last days of showing the Metro Manila 2012 Filmfest entries which include the movie "Thy Womb". After a deep second thought I decided to go and watch the movie with my wife.

     The positive reviews and recommendations I have been reading convinced me to watch the movie "Thy Womb". I'm not a Nora Aunor fanatic but am curious as to why this internationally acclaimed movie failed to rake in money into the tills. Besides, as a blogger I want to make it a try in reviewing movies.

     I and my wife entered the movie house into its 2nd to the last full show. There were so many people lining up to the ticket booth which sells for all the simultaneous movies being shown at the different cinemas of SM City North EDSA. However, we really noticed that only few people are heading to the entrance wherein the movie "Thy Womb" was being shown; and most of the patronage are adults.

     As we watched the movie, we were immediately captivated by its awesome cinematography. Nora Aunor has given justice to the character of the midwife Shaleha whom she portrayed. Nora's deep emotion with her eyes projecting her innermost feeling is so enthralling that, I believe, she's really unbeatable and deserving of  the Best Actress Award. Nora doesn't need to be hysterical in order to portray her emotions. The story of the movie is what makes it more interesting because it presents a review of culture and tradition that is obscure to the present generation especially to non-Muslims like me. It is not meant to entertain but to let the viewers understand some of the traditions of our brothers in the South. The theme revolves around the love sacrifice of Shaleha of doing anything just to make her husband Bangas-an (Bembol Roco) happy. It leaves us a reflection of how we value relationship. What a tragic end that consumed fidelity in a marital relationship!

     The movie is indeed outstanding and deserving of all the awards it reaped both locally and internationally. It's an intelligent movie that compels one into reading between the lines. A classic one - a masterpiece - that is worth reechoing for the next generation.

     I find one reason why the movie flopped in Metro Manila: It is rated R13... It is shown in yuletide season which is a family bonding time.


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  1. Sad but true. Pinoys have not matured in terms of their taste in watching films. Maybe, they never will.

    Thanks for your wonderful article. It makes us, Noranians very proud reading this.

  2. @Anonymous: It's my pleasure... am just being honest in my evaluation. I am a newbie blogger and this is my first time to review a film. Likewise, thanks... God bless....:)

  3. Excellent review Vicente.
