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Thursday, March 20, 2014

My First Tour At Manila Hotel

“Hmmn, is there anything unique and interesting to view at Manila Hotel?”

That was the first question that came across my imagination when I learned  the promotion of Manila Hotel luring fans on its Facebook Fan Page. The mechanics were so simple: DM complete name, email address, and mobile number to the admin of the fan page. The first 25 to do so would win and be contacted for tour scheduling. I joined out of curiosity and to discover if there’s truly something there that could attract tourist.

Me and my wife were very lucky enough to be on the lists of early birds to comply with the requirements. We were promptly called through our mobile numbers and confirmed our participation  via our email addresses. We were scheduled to have our  #MyManilaHotel Tour on January 24, 2014.

4 o’clock in the afternoon of the appointed date, we were led to a machine scanning of our bags upon our entry at the main door of the Manila Hotel then we gathered in Roma Salon at the left wing of the lobby. We were served with their signature juice while being briefed with the history and vision of the hotel. Ms. Denise Tambuatco, Manila Hotel Senior Vice President for Marketing and Kristine Facto, Manila Hotel AVP for Public Relations & Corporate Communications were the two speakers who delighted us with an orientation especially on how the hotel served with prestige and all the staff/crews attended with a caring heart its customers through the 102 years that it existed (the oldest surviving in the country, as a matter of fact).

After a short question and answer portion with the speakers, all of us tour participants were then divided into two groups each handled by a Guest Service Officer. My group was guided to the first tour destination at the Champagne Room showcasing the elegance of fine dining in a French-Mediterranean style. I was so impressed with the furniture, arrangements, and designs that I believe any first timer tourist would be mesmerized beyond doubt.

The next stop was the Mabuhay Palace, a well known fine dining Chinese restaurant of the Manila Hotel. One would surely savor with gusto every Cantonese menu being served while gazing at the lavish handcrafted wall decorations particularly the big panel epitomizing the life of the famous philosopher Confucius. The restaurant surely offer an ideal venue for accommodating guests on private occasions like birthday celebrations, baptismal and wedding receptions, family reunions, or any other kind of events.  

Our tour escort then led us to an elevator ride going to the most significant of all the spots in Manila Hotel: the historical MacArthur Suite  at the 5th floor. The suite was named after the late General Douglas MacArthur who lived and held office there while in the Philippines during World War II.  The entire 5th floor was occupied exclusively by Gen. MacArthur and his family. It was his own version of the Malacanang Palace where he could officiate, delegate, and make a military command.

The tour guide was altruistic in giving a brief but informative account of the suite. The living room was so elegant leaving each one spellbounded. Everyone was so curious and couldn’t wait enough for a pose to have picture takings. The dining room was even more plushy with appurtenant displays. The  magnificent paintings hanging on the walls could hook anyone’s attention. We were told that the paintings were done by no less than the Filipino National Artist Fernando Amorsolo.

At the adjacent room was the office where original chairs still on its position. I was privileged to experience sitting on the chair of the commanding general. I also had a sleek view of the Master’s bedroom complete with its own living room, dressing room, shower/bathroom and restroom.  I was so happy to have seen and experienced walking inside the room imagining myself a special guest standing side by side with the General during his tenure.

The group proceeded to have a glimpse of the luxurious Honeymoon Suite costing $800 for an overnight stay offering newly-wed couples a romantic setting with an awesome sunrise view of the famous Rizal Park. It has its own living room area that can accommodate a camaraderie of group visitors.

With alternative suites within a friendly budget, some with unobstructed Manila Bay sunrise/sunset view, the Manila Hotel  certainly provide each tourist’s stay a moment to remember for a lifetime. 

 After our group tour of the suites, we went down to have a closer look at the Mabuhay Palace’s different dining areas and buffet stations displaying a vast array of cuisines from various countries of the world. The chefs even courteously demonstrated how they cook a certain dish during a light encounter with them. We passed by the café just before stepping outside on our way to the Manila Hotel Spa.

A swimming pool and a fitness area (both facilities free and exclusive for  hotel guests) were delightful views as we went to the MH Health Club. A receptionist guided us in going upstairs for a short tour of the spa’s different rooms and facilities. I was treated later with a free back massage (first time in my life) which I truly enjoyed as my tired and aching muscles were relaxed.

The #MyManilaHotel Tour ended with a snack served at a sunset view deck near the poolside where tour participants had an acquaintance with each other while viewing the sun setting down below the horizon at the Manila Bay.

The  tour was like a trek to the glorious past of Philippine history. It made me realize that the Philippines is truly rich and colorful in history with many hidden attractions still waiting to be discovered. It changed my whole perspective about a tour which I thought could happen only on the road, beautiful parks, historical monuments/landmarks, white beaches, majestic mountains, extreme adventures, fiesta celebrations, and similar events. And I dreamt to travel Wego, discover more!

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  1. My dear readers, please support my travel blogging contest entry about My First Tour At Manila Hotel... Highlight, right Click to open , then LIKE and SHARE this link Thank you very much, more power and God bless....
