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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - About the Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Did you know that Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife is manufactured in Toronto Canada under the world's most stringent quality control, regulated by Health Canada and measured by GMP and HACCP standards?...

What exactly is HACCP?...

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - About the Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Visit  and

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Frozen Shoulder, Gone with INTRA

Frozen shoulder (or adhesive capsulitis) is stiffness, pain, and limited range of movement in the shoulder. It may happen after an injury or overuse or from a disease such as diabetes or a stroke. The tissues around the joint stiffen, scar tissue forms, and shoulder movements become difficult and painful. - from WebMD

I had a FROZEN SHOULDER (on my left), back pain, and a mild chest pain for almost 2 years. I couldn't raise my left hand straight, had difficulty in even scratching my itchy back and during moments of donning a shirt. It was very painful whenever I go to bed lying with my left arm/shoulder; so it's either I sleep lying flat or just turn to my right side.

But thanks be to God, I met Lifestyles INTRA... and after only 3 days of drinking 3 jiggers 3X a day, all the pain were gone!... I was able to raise my left hand straight again...

Yes, INTRA is truly phenomenal. It can do many things to our body systems. It's a juice (food supplement) that boost especially our immune system, strengthen our muscular/skeletal system, and help our body heal itself. Our body is our own lethal doctor. INTRA provides our body with the balance it needs for a state of health and well being. It provides nutrients to build up our cells to make them strong in fighting all kinds of diseases.

INTRA is manufactured in Toronto Canada under the world's most stringent quality control, regulated by Health Canada and measured by GMP and HACCP standards. It is safe for all ages.

Try it for yourself... Have one at home today.

Note:  INTRA should not be taken simultaneously with softdrinks, coffee, or other diuretic drinks because it may not be absorbed by the body into the blood stream but will only be flushed out immediately during urination. So provide at least an hour gap either before or after any diuretic drinks when taking INTRA.

On recommended usage for other diseases, you may PM me at the website link found below:

INTRA has 3 layers cover protection: hard plastic cap, aluminum seal, and plastic cover.

I deliver products personally within Metro Manila and nearby areas or thru courier those within my country. Free delivery charge only for non members within the Philippines You may call/text me at 09158432474 or Email:

For those residing outside Philippines, you may visit and choose your COUNTRY in Market/Language (click and scroll down the arrow) then follow the rest of the online instructions...  You may SHOP wellness products online and Lifestyles Office in your country will help process delivery of products right into your door... Likewise, Canada Office will facilitate delivery of products to those residing in USA...

Drink Intra. Share Intra. Pass it on....

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dialysis-Free at Last!... with INTRA

Kuya Jimmy, 60 years old, was a dialysis patient with ESRD or Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease... His doctor said that his case is hopeless and his only chance is to have a regular dialysis at 2X a week or a kidney transplant but still with a very low percentage of recovery. For him it's really a lifelong agony; he's like a living dead. Yes, according to the medical world, dialysis is lifetime and has no cure!... The sad fact is: Dialysis doesn't actually treat kidney diseases, but only a way to control and remove toxins. And during the process, only the small size toxins are removed. That is why many CKD patients who have taken dialysis for a long time become more and more serious because their kidney problem is not being addressed at all.
Kuya Jimmy was not a believer of any food supplement product until late July 2015 when INTRA was introduced to him and he was given a HOPE. After taking INTRA regularly for about 1 & 1/2 months, his doctor could not believe in the tremendous improvement as his creatinine went down. And all his other complications were addressed. He was finally recommended to stop undergoing the dialysis treatment. Praise and glory to God, a miracle happened. INTRA is God's great gift to humanity; helping us combat any kind of diseases from head to toe (e.g., kidney diseases) as we are now living in an unhealthy world. It is safe for all ages, including babies and pregnant women.

Note that Lifestyles have 3 main products (INTRA, NUTRIA, and FIBRELIFE), but only INTRA Liquid is advisable for dialysis patients because the Nutria & Fibrelife are capsules which require drinking water simultaneously upon intake of these capsule products. FIBRELIFE, for example, should be taken with a minimum of one glass of water.We know for a fact that dialysis patients have limited water intakes. The other consideration is: the capsules, especially NUTRIA, contain plenty of fruits and vegetables ingredients which some of them bear high potassium content that should not be taken by dialysis patients. Also, INTRA IS NOT ADVISABLE ANYMORE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE UNDERGONE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT...

With Kuya Jimmy's permission, a photo of the initial clinical summary reflecting his CKD Stage 5 diagnosis is attached here.

Watch Kuya Jimmy's own testimony here... 

Anyone, undergoing dialysis treatment?... Try INTRA Juice. It is not a medicine but a 100% organic food supplement that supports the body with the required nutrition and strengthen the cells to help the body heal itself. So many dialysis patients have already become dialysis-free with the help of the amazing natural Lifestyles INTRA. It helps regenerate the kidney. It truly works effectively for dialysis patients but should be accompanied with patience and a strong determination to get well plus discipline on refraining from foods and drinks that should be avoided. Product results vary on individuals. Mostly, the initial reaction is: a better urine out flow, good sleep, becoming stronger and more energetic, calmness, improved skin tone, etc. On the average, depending on the metabolic reaction of the body systems, it takes 2 to 3 months for dialysis patients to achieve the goal of becoming free from the bondage of dialysis treatment. Our life is priceless. It doesn't cost much to try the phenomenal and proven INTRA Liquid/Juice now. Admittedly, most doctors do not believe in herbal/food supplements and they will surely discourage one from taking such. But I believe a patient has the right to find the best alternative/healthy solution to get rid of dialysis treatment. Besides, INTRA has been certified safe, suitable for all ages, and already enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide.

Lifestyles INTRA is a blend of 23 naturally-sourced botanicals (extracts from roots, tree bark, leaves berries, and blooming flowers of plants). It is a unique and pleasant tasting drink which varies according to the time of botanical harvest. It supports, balances, and strengthens the body's 8 biological systems so as to help the body heal itself from all kinds of diseases, including kidney diseases.

INTRA is safe for all ages, including babies and pregnant women. It passed the test of time for safety and efficacy. It is certified safe for athletic use by the International Olympic Committee - contains no steroids and stimulants. It has no chemicals, no artificial flavors, no pesticides and herbicides, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colors, no trans fats, no heavy metals (lead), no caffeine, etc.

INTRA is manufactured in Toronto Canada under GMP and HACCP Standards, with the strictest standard in purity and quality control on natural food products. It is FDA / BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified.


For instructions on the usage/dosage, kindly LIKE the page and send your messages at .  Call/text  09158432474  (+639158432474) for more inquiry, orders and free delivery nationwide. I deliver personally within Metro Manila and nearby provinces, thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations nationwide. Free shipping fee... INTRA is direct selling, not sold over the counter... It is very important that the dialysis patient who decides to take the product be guided properly... It is highly recommended therefore for local buyers to order directly from this page to avoid inconveniences. All the DOs and DON'Ts particularly on the right foods to eat will be enclosed upon placing orders...

        Watch Sir Rodel's own testimony here...

To order online, click JOIN NOW to avail big discount or DHOP to simply order on regular price @  (Be sure to always scroll down to your Country if prompted. Encode Sponsor ID. No. 98000214334 and click to verify Sponsor as Vicente Ferrer if prompted so as to guide you especially on proper serving instructions... Exit or disregard the "Send Me an Email" box whenever it pops out, then follow the rest of the online instructions. Buy the INTRA Liquid only. You may choose to buy the INTRA Trio Liquid or, if budget permits, go for the 9 bottles pack to ensure enough supply at hand for follow up. Product will be delivered right into your door. Kindly send me message @ if you need further assistance.)... 

I highly recommend that you my dear readers purchase in volume with a package to ensure optimum health results due massive intake so as to maximize availing a big discount and which you may share with your love ones and start doing it a business later which usually happen as an option for some.

Watch this inspiring short video testimony of an ESRD or CKD Stage 5 dialysis patient with 3000 creatinine (highest so far among our Lifestyles dialysis testimony) here

Drink INTRA. Share it. Pass it on!...

Disclaimer:   No approved therapeutic claim. Product Results and Income may vary.

DIALYSIS treatment is lifetime, no cure... but there's hope, at last!...Just PM or call/text 09158432474 for more inquiry...
Posted by Lifestyles Intra Nutria and Fibrelife on Thursday, 7 April 2016

Saying Goodbye to Painful Gouty Arthritis with Lifestyles

If you have high levels of uric acid in your body then you are more likely to develop gout. A lot of factors contribute to the increase of uric acid in the body such as the kind of food you eat, overweight, untreated chronic conditions, frequent use of certain medications that may increase uric acid levels, hereditary, etc.

Gout is a type of joint disease under the umbrella of Arthritis (others are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis). In Gouty Arthritis, however, there is an inflammation due to deposits of uric acid usually in the big toe. But usually the culprit is the high level of uric acid that is stuck in the kidney instead of being eliminated in the form of urine. Gout may pose complications such as: Stroke, Heart Failure, Renal Damage (which may lead to dialysis treatment), Kidney Stones, Diabetes, etc.

There is no cure for gout, but it can be treated and controlled. Symptoms often are relieved within 24 hours after treatment has begun (source: WebMD on Arthritis and Gout). Synthetic medicines can relieve a gout patient from its symptoms but it cannot cure the root cause of the disease. Thanks be to God, Lifestyles INTRA is here to help in the cure of the root cause of gout by flushing out the uric acid from the body. Our immune system is what keeping us healthy. Our body is our very own lethal doctor. Lifestyles products are food supplements that boost the healing power of our body to cure itself from any kind of diseases (from head to foot, inside the body or on the skin). Yes, INTRA will provide the needed nutrients to strengthen your body's immune system and even help create an Alkaline-Acid balance in the body to help get rid of diseases like Gouty Arthritis.

(from Lifestyles Literature)

I used to have a mild Gouty Arthritis and it attacked me whenever I eat something that is high in uric acid. It made me paralyzed in a moment, had a difficulty in moving around. But thanks be to God, I was able to overcome this disease which enslaved me for years with the help of INTRA Botanicals. What is more amazing: I can already eat the foods that used to cause inflammation and pain! Other than the food high in uric acid that I eat, perhaps I inherited this from my late grandmother whom I have witnessed suffered a lot of pain. My elder brother was oftentimes limping due gout but Last May 2015 after only 3 days of drinking at least 2 jiggers of Intra 3X a day, the disease disappeared. And since then, the painful gout did not bother him anymore.
Me, during our Lifestyles National Gala...

(My brother Carmelo who used to limp & suffer with Gouty Arthritis, now he can walk normally)
A testimonial on Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Lifestyles products are manufactured in Toronto Canada under GMP and HACCP Standards with the strictest procedure in purity and quality control on natural food products. It is BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified.

Healing period varies on individuals depending on condition of the disease when intake started and the metabolic system of the patient's body. So don't expect to be cured with just one or 2 bottles... Based on personal experience/encounter with those who were afflicted with the disease, it usually takes 1 to 2 weeks only for mild gouty arthritis. Obviously, serious cases requires longer period of not less than one month on massive intake.

On recommended usage for arthritis or other diseases, you may PM me at the website link found below: 

I deliver Lifestyles products personally within Metro Manila and nearby areas or thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations those within my country. You may call/text me at 09158432474  or  Email:

To order online, you may click JOIN NOW button to avail big discount at 

Be sure to always scroll down to your country... Canada Office will facilitate delivery of products to those residing in USA. Just click SHOP button on the aforementioned site. Click JOIN & SAVE button to avail discount instantly... You may join as Preferred Customer, meaning as a user/independent distributor only. Encode Sponsor ID No. 98000214334 if prompted. Exit or disregard "Send Me an Email" box then follow the rest of online instructions. Just message me for further assistance especially on the servings or dosage... 

Drink INTRA. Share it. Pass it on... It is safe for all ages...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Disclaimer:  No approved therapeutic claim. Product results/effects and Income may vary.