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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Saying Goodbye to Painful Gouty Arthritis with Lifestyles

If you have high levels of uric acid in your body then you are more likely to develop gout. A lot of factors contribute to the increase of uric acid in the body such as the kind of food you eat, overweight, untreated chronic conditions, frequent use of certain medications that may increase uric acid levels, hereditary, etc.

Gout is a type of joint disease under the umbrella of Arthritis (others are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis). In Gouty Arthritis, however, there is an inflammation due to deposits of uric acid usually in the big toe. But usually the culprit is the high level of uric acid that is stuck in the kidney instead of being eliminated in the form of urine. Gout may pose complications such as: Stroke, Heart Failure, Renal Damage (which may lead to dialysis treatment), Kidney Stones, Diabetes, etc.

There is no cure for gout, but it can be treated and controlled. Symptoms often are relieved within 24 hours after treatment has begun (source: WebMD on Arthritis and Gout). Synthetic medicines can relieve a gout patient from its symptoms but it cannot cure the root cause of the disease. Thanks be to God, Lifestyles INTRA is here to help in the cure of the root cause of gout by flushing out the uric acid from the body. Our immune system is what keeping us healthy. Our body is our very own lethal doctor. Lifestyles products are food supplements that boost the healing power of our body to cure itself from any kind of diseases (from head to foot, inside the body or on the skin). Yes, INTRA will provide the needed nutrients to strengthen your body's immune system and even help create an Alkaline-Acid balance in the body to help get rid of diseases like Gouty Arthritis.

(from Lifestyles Literature)

I used to have a mild Gouty Arthritis and it attacked me whenever I eat something that is high in uric acid. It made me paralyzed in a moment, had a difficulty in moving around. But thanks be to God, I was able to overcome this disease which enslaved me for years with the help of INTRA Botanicals. What is more amazing: I can already eat the foods that used to cause inflammation and pain! Other than the food high in uric acid that I eat, perhaps I inherited this from my late grandmother whom I have witnessed suffered a lot of pain. My elder brother was oftentimes limping due gout but Last May 2015 after only 3 days of drinking at least 2 jiggers of Intra 3X a day, the disease disappeared. And since then, the painful gout did not bother him anymore.
Me, during our Lifestyles National Gala...

(My brother Carmelo who used to limp & suffer with Gouty Arthritis, now he can walk normally)
A testimonial on Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Lifestyles products are manufactured in Toronto Canada under GMP and HACCP Standards with the strictest procedure in purity and quality control on natural food products. It is BFAD approved, Kosher rated, and HALAL certified.

Healing period varies on individuals depending on condition of the disease when intake started and the metabolic system of the patient's body. So don't expect to be cured with just one or 2 bottles... Based on personal experience/encounter with those who were afflicted with the disease, it usually takes 1 to 2 weeks only for mild gouty arthritis. Obviously, serious cases requires longer period of not less than one month on massive intake.

On recommended usage for arthritis or other diseases, you may PM me at the website link found below: 

I deliver Lifestyles products personally within Metro Manila and nearby areas or thru courier 2Go or LBC on too distant locations those within my country. You may call/text me at 09158432474  or  Email:

To order online, you may click JOIN NOW button to avail big discount at 

Be sure to always scroll down to your country... Canada Office will facilitate delivery of products to those residing in USA. Just click SHOP button on the aforementioned site. Click JOIN & SAVE button to avail discount instantly... You may join as Preferred Customer, meaning as a user/independent distributor only. Encode Sponsor ID No. 98000214334 if prompted. Exit or disregard "Send Me an Email" box then follow the rest of online instructions. Just message me for further assistance especially on the servings or dosage... 

Drink INTRA. Share it. Pass it on... It is safe for all ages...

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