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Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today (Monday; November 19, 2012) I am inspired to start a regular quiz on the Bible to encourage everyone to read the Bible and have a personal encounter with God through His Word; thus, deepening one's personal relationship with Him. This is also to keep myself refreshed and to help those involved in bible encounters/quizzes. My own family has been so blessed by the Lord being the National Family Champion during the 4th National Catholic Family Bible Encounter. My children have also participated twice and performed well in the St Paul National Bible Quiz Bee.
The Bible is the book of books and the book of life. It is God's love letter for us. Everyone is enjoined to participate and hopefully be inspired more to read and live the Word of God. Challenge ourselves to answer each question within 15 seconds only. Kindly post your answers in the comment box below then look for the correct answer in the passage given. Thanks, have fun... God bless.... :)
NOTE:  The "Good News Bible with Deuterocanonicals" (Today's English Version) is used as reference.


1.  When Jesus Christ was sentenced to death, Pilate presented to the crowd a well-known prisoner and asked whom he should set free. Give the name , in two words, of the prisoner released as chosen by the crowd.     (Matthew 27:16-17)

2.  In Luke's account of the genealogy of Jesus, who is mentioned as the father of his foster parent Joseph?     (Luke 3:23)

3.  Multiple Choice:  The constellations "Dipper, Orion, and Pleiades" are mentioned in what specific passage of the Bible?              A.  Revelation 12:1               B.  Psalm 19:1                 C.  Isaiah 40:26               D.  Job 9:9

4.  She is the most fortunate of women who lives in tents.    (Judges 5:24)

5.  In what book of the Bible can we find this opening verse: "This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God."?

6.  In Numbers 27:1-7, the five daughters of Zelophehad stood before Moses and the whole Israelite community to request for their inheritance from their father's property. Which of the following was not a daughter of Zelophehad?        
A. Noah         B.  Hoglah          C.  Tirzah          D. Nurah

7.  He is a prophet and teacher called  "The Black".       (Acts 13:1)

8. True or False?...   When asked by Pilate if he is a king, Jesus answered "You say that I am a king, I was born and came into the world not for this purpose but to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to me."     (John 18:37)

9. He said to Jesus, "You are the King of Israel!" In fact he is the only one in the Bible to have said so.  (John 1:49)

10. When all the trees went out to choose a king for themselves, this tree refused to become their king saying "In order to govern you, I would have to stop producing my good sweet fruit."     (Judges 9:11)

11. Fill in the blanks...   The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of ____________ and leads me to quiet ____________.         (Psalms 23:1-2)

12. Multiple choice:   They are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing.  (Psalm 127:3)
A. friends        B. wife        C. children        D. knowledge

NOTE: You may post your answers in the comment box below. If you have any bible question/quiz that you want to share with our readers, you may send it to my email at Will try to post it upon evaluation. Our quizzes here are being updated regularly with new questions so keep coming back. Thanks... May the Lord our God bless us all.... :)


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