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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

With A Celebrity in Blogopolis

One of the wonderful experiences I had during the Blogopolis national summit in Makati Shangrila Hotel last Sunday, November 18, 2012 was meeting some celebrity bloggers. I got to see them in person and even rubbed elbows with them. A lot of popular media bloggers were around to give their moral support especially to the newbie bloggers like me. During the fellowship night I spotted a famous actor when I was about to serve myself a dinner. For souvenir purpose I thought of having a pose with him. So I took the opportunity by grabbing the hand of a waitress standing nearby and asked her to take a picture on me with this actor. I do remember that I have seen him on a teleserye in TV 5. Honestly, I know this actor only by face but I don't really know his screen name. I would like to thank him for giving in to my request for a sudden picture taking. Can you name him, please? You may post it in the comment box below. Thanks.... :)

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