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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Arrived from Blogopolis

I have just arrived from attending the biggest blogging summit in the Philippines: Blogopolis. It was the biggest blogging summit in the Philippines. The event was sponsored and spearheaded by Nuffnang Philippines. It was a whole day activity held in Makati Shangrila Hotel with various topics delivered by different well known blogging personalities. I am thankful to have attended because I have learned many things and got to encounter some of the bloggers whom I admire. The fellowship and exchanging of ideas made it an experience that I would never forget. What with the many freebies and giveaways received by all the attendees! No one went home frowning... Obviously, blogging will continue to stay and grow for even our government needs to be updated through e-Governance. Expect more development and advanced information/communication technologies to come out as we move forward.

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