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Monday, December 31, 2012

My Canon Mission

     Year 2007… Go Internet Card had a raffle promotion. The complete desktop computer package being offered for the first prize caught my attention. The card being sold at SM Information counters served as an official entry. The product once used has to be placed in an envelope with the participant’s full details.

     I remember buying at least 5 Go cards during that time with the aim of winning the desktop computer. I prayed hard to win; and a few weeks later, I received a letter with a message that I won in the raffle. Yes, I won but not the prize that I wanted to. Instead, I won the second prize item: a Canon PowerShot A530. Though my desire was not granted still I was very happy that I won a Canon digital camera.

     A few days later,  my children had their school educational field trip. Our whole family went to the field trip full of excitement for we have a digital camera to capture the memorable moments of the activity. The Canon camera made our family bonding more intimate with the shots that never seem to end in every spot we visited during the field trip.  

    Canon camera is a very useful gadget as it captures and records special moments in life. Two such special moments in our family were vividly captured and recorded: The First Communion of my youngest son on December 8, 2009 and my eldest daughter receiving the highest award and delivering her address as Class Valedictorian during her school’s commencement rite on March 30, 2009.  

     God has a special purpose why he gave me the second prize instead of the first prize. I was suddenly appointed as official photographer in our Parish Pastoral Council for its photo documents. Instantly, I became the most sought-after photographer during activities in our parish. Then some parents of my children’s classmates and friends started to ask me to take pictures of their children during school occasions. This started my life of somehow earning a living through photography using my Canon camera.

     I do not have any formal training in photography.  Since I’m not an established professional photographer in its strictest sense and my clients are my acquaintances, I cannot charge with the usual photographer’s rate. But I find myself enjoying photography as my own personal ministry of serving the Lord our God and witnessing to let others know the real meaning of Christianity. And this made a great impact as I share my blessings of having a Canon camera.

     I wish to have an improved digital camera or better still a Canon DSLR Camera so I can accept other jobs on special occasions such as weddings and the like. But I can wait for its right time to come.

1 comment:

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  1. One of my wishes this New Year 2013: Sana magkaroon na ako ng DSLR camera kahit 2nd hand lang for my family livelihood and for my church ministry.... :)
