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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Simbang Gabi in our Parish

          Misa de Gallo is a Catholic devotional nine-day series of Masses held annually from December 16 to 24 in anticipation for the Christmas Day on December 25. It is usually done as early as 3 to 5 o’clock in the morning, a time when roosters crow, that is why it is also called as Rooster’s Mass.

           In some parishes especially in the urban areas, it is also celebrated now with an anticipated Evening Mass or Simbang Gabi usually at 8 or 9 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of accommodating the needs of the working people. No matter when the celebration takes place, it is important that people go to Mass with the right attitude which is to worship and thank God for his everlasting love for us by giving us His only begotten Son Jesus Christ as our Saviour. As God sacrificed His only Son, so it draws also a sacrifice in our part with the commitment to rise up early in order to fulfill the religious observance of preparing for the coming or the birthday of the Messiah.


           Simbang Gabi aims to awaken and deepen the faith of the Catholic Christians; and it is a symbol of fellowship and sharing to one another the blessings of God into our lives. Our parish opened the 1st day of celebration with the reading of a pastoral letter from our beloved bishop exhorting the faithfuls about the current issue on RH Bill to be more vigilant and responsible in the next elections to remember those who uphold our faith, life, and morals. The first two days of Masses had a second collecta raised for the victims of Typhoon Pablo in Mindanao. Then for four days there were gift-givings for the selected/surveyed poor family parishioners with packages sponsored by the local civic organizations and Ina ng Buhay Catholic School. 

The Philippine Star also helped the fundraising program of our parish youth by supplying newspapers to be sold with a free San Mig coffee single serve 3-in-1 sachet. The 2013 parish calendar was also sold with no less than the priest campaigning with his own dedication and signature right after the Mass. The Caritas Novaliches also diplayed their products for fundraising benefitting the poor in our diocese. On the 7th day of Misa de Gallo, the diocesan seminarians had a carolling before the priest gave his final blessing and a second collecta was gathered to financially support their studies. This year saw a massive sponsorship for the Light an Advent Candle, Light a Parol, and Build a Belen project of the parish aimed at generating funds for the program of the parish as well as the diocese.

          Our parish had a lively celebration of the Holy Eucharist what with the priest himself conducting the singing of the liturgical songs and even going out of the church during the Mass with a wireless microphone just to 
encourage the people to participate in the singing. The priests were strict in emphasizing the faithfuls to truly observe the solemnity of the Mass.  The churchgoers standing outside were specifically requested earnestly to focus and avoid chitchattings 
or texting during the Mass. Jokes with a meaningful  message spiced the homilies of priests which  enlivened the active participation of the faithfuls.   

      Our parish priests did well their part in evangelizing the people and clearly making known the meaning of Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi. It made a great impact especially to the believers who completed the 9 days of celebration. Surely and hopefully, the birth of Jesus has come into our hearts. It is a perfect gift specially wrapped for all who want to bring one home after the celebration. This is the essence of Christmas.    







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