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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Better Together with Lifestyles

     Have  you any sickness or disease that has been bothering you for years, keeping you desperate and hopeless? You have already spent big amount of money just to get the right medicine/treatment and even sought the best doctors available, but still all efforts in vain? Or even simple common disease (like cough, colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, arthritis, scoliosis, etc.) that keeps on coming back? Cheers! Lifestyles may be the answer that you have been longing for. Yes, for more than 20 years already, Lifestyles has brought improvement in overall health and well-being to thousands of people suffering from various kinds of ailments in the different parts of the world.  It has wreaked amazement to the modern medical world and put many skeptics in awe. You may review some of my previous articles or click on my fan page found below for some testimonials.

     There are only 3 products in Lifestyles: Intra, Nutria, & Fibrelife. It is recommended that one has to take the three natural food supplement products together because of its synergistic effect into our body.
Lifestyles' Better Together Kit containing Intra, Nutria, & Fibrelife
     Intra (in Juice and in capsule form) is a unique blend of 23 botanicals which helps to balance and strengthen the body’s eight (8) biological systems, as well as guard against the adverse health effects of pollutants. Intra Juice is the most popular and widely used among the 3 Lifestyles products probably because it is easier to consume at any time of the day by all ages. It tastes even better when refrigerated.

     Nutria is popularly known among Filipinos as the “bukol buster.”  It is a powerful antioxidant supplement with key vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients coming from 20 fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are vital to maintaining good health because they deactivate Free Radicals that damage healthy tissues of the body. Nutria protects the body from Free Radical damage causing certain diseases including cancer. Nutria also helps slow down the aging process.

     Fibrelife is a unique soluble plant fibre with the highest viscosity of any fibre tested. It absorbs water quickly and continuously. It’s as easy as ABC for Appetite control, Blood sugar, and Cholesterol. It enhances the detoxification effect of  Intra.

Recommended usage for maintenance purposes:
     2 jiggers Intra Juice or 2 to 4 Intra capsules daily at any time of the day with food or empty stomach. Shake bottle well before using.
     2 Nutria capsules daily at any time of the day with food.
     1 to 2 Fibrelife capsules with plenty of water at least 20 to 30 minutes before meals.
     NOTE: A gap of at least 45 minutes to 1 hour should be provided in the intake of Fibrelife to that of the other products (Intra & Nutria) or any other doctor-prescribed medicines. 
     On recommended usage for certain diseases, you may PM me at the websites link found below.    

     The phenomenal Lifestyles products, manufactured in Toronto Canada, may be bought individually or in BTK (Better Together Kit).
     1 BTK contains 2 Intra Juice, 1 Nutria & 1 Fibrelife.
     Lifestyles is a member of the US Direct Selling Association.

     Whether for personal/family use, massive intakes, or business opportunity, it is advisable to purchase in volume to get a big discount and benefits: 30% discount with 9 Free Intra Juice is given on 22 BTK Instant Direct Package or 20% discount with 3 Free Intra Juice on 11BTK Express Direct Package plus benefits on both packages of being a Distributor with Free 1 Million Pesos worth accident insurance,  100K hospitalization reimbursement due accident,  & Material Tool Kit to start the Lifestyles business and 40% discount is given on all your next purchases. Note, however, that discount offer varies in different countries due value of corresponding currency. 

     “If you receive a gift of great value, it is your obligation to share that gift many times over!”  -  Chinese Proverb

      To apply as distributor or purchase online, just click JOIN and SHOP button at  then follow the rest of the online instructions.

     Avail of big discount with INSTANT or EXPRESS DIRECT PACKAGE purchase.

You may also like this page for other testimonials and updates:
I can deliver Lifestyles products within nearby areas or thru courier those within my country. Just PM me.

Reference: Lifestyles Better Together flyer.

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