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Friday, July 3, 2015

FIBRELIFE for Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, et al.

     I easily get tired walking medium distances chasing my breath especially on going up to higher places. Simple issues that disagree with my own point of view irritate me. I eat a lot of rice with  2 to 3 plates per meal time. Yes, I usually have a high blood pressure but I never paid much attention to it because my feeling seems normal probably my body is already accustomed to it. It’s when I almost got fainted with numbing lips (and I did not tell my family about it) that I got conscious of the serious consequence of such condition. Truly it may lead to a stroke, heart attack, and paralysis which already happened to some of my acquaintances who seemed to be very healthy before.
     The HOPE (Health Opportunity Presentation & Experience) Seminar of Lifestyles made me deeply realize one thing: that I have only one body and I must take care of it more than anything. Indeed, our health is our wealth. We can serve in our community better and more effectively with a healthier body.
     *Fibrelife is one of the 3 Lifestyles products that  has been proven to help people fight illnesses like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It is a unique soluble plant fibre with the highest viscosity of any fibre tested. It absorbs water quickly and continuously. It functions as simple as ABC into our body (Appetite Control, Blood Sugar, & Cholesterol):
-          Helps regulate appetite to achieve & maintain healthy weight; lowers the number of calories absorbed from a meal; prevents carbohydrates from being stored in the body as fat.
-         Supports & regulates blood sugar levels by lowering the Glycemic Index of a meal; lower levels of C-reactive protein & reduce risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
-         Helps lower the levels of cholesterol; reduces risk of heart & cardiovascular disease; acts like a sponge by binding cholesterol & toxins in the food before it is absorbed; eliminates body toxins.

She's  no longer using a wheelchair and can already stand on her own.
      It’s about time we take Intra, Nutria, & Fibrelife to live better everyday!

     For proper servings/intakes on particular diseases, you may PM me at the websites link found below.
     Should you decide to purchase the Lifestyles products, I strongly advise that you buy as Distributor with an INSTANT DIRECT PACKAGE because your whole family will also benefit and the rest of the products can be a good start to make a business which usually happen to some due big discount to be availed. For sure it will enkindle the concern within you to share the effectiveness of the products. And let it be your mission to share your own Lifestyles experience to others afterwards.

      To apply or purchase online, visit

     Click on the JOIN NOW or SHOP button... then follow the rest of online instructions....

    Avail of big discount by applying as Distributor with INSTANT DIRECT or EXPRESS PACKAGE purchase.

You may also like this page for other testimonials and updates:
I can deliver Lifestyles products within nearby areas or thru courier those within my country Philippines. Just PM me or call/text +639158432474 Globe  /  09322468833 Sun...
*N.B.: From our Lifestyles Fibrelife flyer.

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