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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Why NUTRIA for Cancers, et al.?

      Nutria is tagged locally as the “lump or swell buster” in our body due its phenomenal power to dissolve cancer cells and the like in our body. With many testimonials to support the effectiveness of this product in helping people live better life, I resolved to write a follow up to my previous blog “A Hope for Cancers, et al." It took only 3 weeks for Ma'am Donna’s lump on right neck due lymphoma stage 4 cancer to subside, and totally recovered after 3 months. Even my own family and close relatives have experienced positive results upon daily intake of Intra paired with Nutria, to wit:  The pain on my left frozen shoulder gone in 2 days, my sister’s goiter gone after few days, my two nieces’ cysts on their ovary and vagina slowly dissolved after 2 weeks massive intake of these all-natural products... all praises and glory be to God forevermore....
Ma'am Donna (in red blouse) after she recovered from her lymphoma stage 4 cancer.
Her angel upline with a necklace.
With my sister and nieces getting over from their diseases of cysts, goiter, vertigo, etc.
      *NUTRIA is a powerful antioxidant food supplement with key vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients from 20 fruits and vegetables to support our immune system.  These fruit and vegetable-based antioxidants including SelenoExcell selenium found in Nutria protect cells and have been shown to fight diseases, including cancer. Its strict manufacturing process assures us of consistent quality and potency.

     *The Canadian Cancer Society and United States Cancer Institute recommend at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Nutria and Intra are an excellent way to meet this daily standard for good health and nutrition.

     *Nutria is formulated to complement the ingredients found in Intra. When both are taken together, our body can benefit from literally hundreds of synergistic reactions!
Mr. Paul Kramer explaining how the amazing Canadian products work into our body.
Statistics cited by Mr. Paul Kramer about cancers, et al.
     For proper servings/intakes on cancer and other diseases, you may PM me at the websites link found below.

   Should you decide to purchase the Lifestyles products, I strongly advise that you purchase  as Distributor with the INSTANT DIRECT PACKAGE for massive intakes and because your whole family will also benefit and the rest of the products can be a good start to make a lucrative business which usually happen to some due big discount to be availed. And let it be your mission to share your own Lifestyles experience to others afterwards. Surely relatives, friends, people in your neighborhood, community, or place of work will get curious when positive changes take place in you. You will realize it later that you must really have the products at hand to show them. Be healthy... drink Intra, share it, pass it on!

    To explore, apply, or purchase online, visit
Click on the JOIN NOW or SHOP button... then follow succeeding online  instructions...
    You may also like this page for other testimonials and updates:

I can deliver Lifestyles products within nearby areas or thru courier those within my country Philippines. Just PM me or call/text +639158432474 Globe  /  09322468833 Sun...
*N.B.: From our Lifestyles Nutria Flyer. 

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