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Saturday, December 29, 2012

CDO Ham and God's Everlasting Love on Christmas

     I am a self-employed family man and I earn a living as a private Math Tutor doing home service tutorials with an unpredictable income and as official photographer of our Parish Pastoral Council for its photo documentation. Obviously I do not have fix income especially during school vacation particularly christmastime and  summertime.  So, having no employer, I do not expect to receive Christmas bonus and 13th month pay.

     When the school have its  Christmas break, I have to find other means of livelihood; i.e., photography being my alternative source. But it gives me a meager income as I usually do it as a form of service to my brothers and sisters in our parish. In other words I sell the pictures at almost a bargain price and most of the time I am not paid cash on time whenever I hand them their hard copies. Its even like a gamble because sometimes they don’t get the pictures when they don’t like the outcome of the shots.

     God has always been so generous to my family. He provides in many wonderful ways and we are caught surprised most of the time because of the unexpected manner of answering our prayers. The current Christmas season yields us another experience of His abundant blessings enough to supply our needs.

     My high school graduating eldest daughter attended a YMCA National Assembly in Baguio City for five days from December 26 to 30, 2012. Of course we needed to raise the amount of P4,500.00 for her registration fee which we have to shoulder personally plus her pocket allowance. We did our best for her to be able to join the trip. It’s a sacrifice leaving us in financial difficulty as we celebrate Christmas. But for my family the essence of the yuletide season is our being together in union with God’s love. That's more than enough for us.

     Just before the school had its Christmas vacation, some of my tutees surprised me with their gifts. I thought my family would celebrate Christmas for the first time without a ham during our Noche Buena. But one of my students gifted me with a box of CDO Pear-shaped ham. Others give accomplishment to my wish lists. My children witnessed how God fulfills His promise of never forsaking especially those who truly love and serve Him with gladness. He can never be outdone in generosity. He uses other people to provide us. Thanks to my dearest students and other sponsors. 

     Oh dear Lord, our God, what more can I ask? During Christmas You always give us nothing but the best! I pray that You bless, too, all those who have less during Christmas especially the suffering victims of calamities… Amen.

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