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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Kudos to JTB Tours and Travel, Inc.

           Very early this morning I accompanied my eldest daughter to the Quezon City Hall where she and the rest of the participants to the 24th YMCA National Assembly of High School Students assembled together for their departure to Baguio City. The national assembly will be held for 5 days from December 26 to 30, 2012 at Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City.

      My daughter is not that excited anymore for the trip to Baguio City since this is already her second time to go there this year. She’s going there for the purpose of accomplishing and gaining something for herself and her school. We have tried our best to make both ends meet in raising her expenses for the trip. God has been so generous in providing us at the last minute for her financial needs (registration of P4,500 plus personal allowances).                                


         Foremost in my consideration is my daughter’s safety as she travel to the destination. I remember that the last time we traveled to Baguio City, the van we were riding almost had a road collision with a speedy truck along the ravine area. But seeing the many JTB buses upon arriving at the assembly area, I feel that my daughter is in safe hands. Obviously the trip is handled by JTB Tours and Travel, Inc.

        JTB Tours and Travel, Inc. is a company which aim to give only the best travel experience. Its management is always working hard to maintain best quality and fast services as its main concern. I have witnessed this morning the harmonious working relationship of the staff: They were so organized, accommodating, courteous, and hospitable. Most importantly, just before they departed for the trip, they gathered together in circle holding hands together as they prayed and asked God’s blessing and guidance for the safety of the travel. It vanished all the fears I have in me about the trip. Kudos to JTB!...

  Immediately upon arriving home, I searched for the official website of JTB @ and found the following information which may help anyone who wishes to contact them:
Office Address:8116-C Dr. A Santos Ave.
Sucat Road, Paranaque City
Telephone Numbers:825-2534
Garage Address:Lot 6 Blk 3-B Naga Road
Pulang Lupa, Las Pinas City

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  1. I appreciate you sharing this article post.Really looking forward to read more.

    Travel Advise
