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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Red Ribbon... A Part of our Celebration

     Today, December 29, 2012,  me and my wife celebrate our marital bonding: 17th Wedding Anniversary!... We are so thankful to the Lord our God for our blissful marriage. We are blessed with 3 healthy and bright children. Spiritually, God has been with us guiding us in our journeys and struggles in life. He gives us strength  to overcome all difficulties we encounter. We are not employed nor with a business to rely upon but He is always there to provide us in our daily needs... our daily bread. In fact, we feel that we have been more abundantly blessed since I was laid-off from my job in 1997.

     So many things to thank of and I will try to blog them one at a time in the very near future. God must be glorified and exalted above our lives. Materially, we need more but we entrust everything to His care. He knows what is best for us. We are celebrating this day with a simple family sharing. Incomplete though because our eldest daughter is away in Baguio City attending a YMCA National Assembly.

     And through these years, Red Ribbon has been a part of a special occasion in our family - be it a birthday or an anniversary celebration. My eldest daughter's request is always a chocolate flavored cake but this time I am giving way to my 2nd daughter's choice of the Ube Macapuno cake.

     Red Ribbon has many bakeshop products to offer: cakes, rolls, breads, pastries, etc. Maybe a proper review of their various products will be given more attention in a future blog post. Meantime, my family must enjoy God's blessing to us this day... sharing together the full-size Ube Macapuno roll.

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